With stress and anxiety accepted as the norm, we’ve got to a situation where it’s socially acceptable if not a badge of honour to be overworked. It’s led to burnout and other mental health conditions affecting 1 in 6 workers at any one time.

Poor mental health costs UK workplaces £45bn a year.

We can’t just blame the job though, our culture is one of “always on”, with information constantly competing for our attention from devices and distractions.

Advertisers are constantly telling us that a product we hadn’t heard 40 minutes ago is the thing we need to make us feel fulfilled. Social media is telling us that life could be better if we lived it like these people. The better version of ourself is “over there” once we have acquired or achieved the next thing. It’s relentless pressure and it’s burning us out.

And breathe. We need to breathe. We need to pause. We need to remember how to switch off, how to slow down and how to rest. We need to remember how to listen to our inner wisdom and how to find fulfilment internally.

Mindfulness sessions at your work place are an opportunity for people to step away from the pressure and towards precious moments of true calm and inner connection. They are an opportunity to learn how to access that calm and inner connection throughout life. They become a regular practice that develops the muscle of mindfulness. They become less easily stuck in the loops of thinking that cause stress and anxiety.

Typically sessions are 30 minutes. 2 sessions are usually held back to back to give everyone at the workplace the chance to take part. They run at the same time and day every fortnight. They are held at your site so there needs to be a space available. Some decorations are brought to make the space as calm and inviting as possible.

No previous experience is needed and everyone is welcome. We can deliver a session for as many people as we can comfortably fit in the space.

There is a short teach at the beginning of the session to embed themes and learnings.

There is also the opportunity to widen the scope to mindful coaching workshops to learn further way to apply the mindful lens and increase wellbeing as you navigate work and life. There are also mindful coaching residencies which offer a range of tools to embed wellbeing further into the workplace culture.

Prices. £150 for two sessions of 30mins running back to back on one day. Mindfulness sessions are held twice a month at your workplace within Manchester at a fixed day and time.


In March and April there are 15 mindfulness taster sessions available. Why not try mindfulness in your workplace?

Email angela@angeladavenport.com to book a taster session. Available in the Manchester area only.